Thursday, December 9, 2021
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Friday, October 22, 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
Friday, October 15, 2021
Friday, September 24, 2021
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Monday, September 13, 2021
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Saturday, August 7, 2021
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Monday, July 26, 2021
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Friday, July 16, 2021
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Monday, May 3, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
Monday, April 12, 2021
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Perfect Churches #TLP777
So you know my interest in Numbers ... I have found that name that is so similar to mine. And then later I found out that it means the Prayer of God, God’s Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer.
Three days ago I found something else. I was deleting stuff off my phone and I found it three days ago
A researcher, a Christian researcher was led by the spirit to this discovery that there is a code in Numbers 7, which is where that name similar to mine is found four or five times. I was already using #Pagiel777 hashtag in my music video info box! Music of The Lords Prayer check it out the first one was four years ago. My first version of music to the Lords prayer.
A little more exploration yesterday and the thing just exploded.
This is a huge huge discovery this code. Because it deals with the basic frequency frequencies of life connected to form a musical scale. That had been lost. Or hidden away by the Catholic Church.
The guy who discovered it has already faced death threats. One assassination attempt.
He was praying for help for someone to help him with his discovery to write it down to help him get it out there. At the same time this other guy was looking for him.
These tones are called solfeggio tones. And they can heal! The song of Saint John the Baptist was written to this scale.
So another researcher thinks this is The new song that 144,000 will sing found in revelations.
I have felt since I found the Numbers name back in '15 it was God’s way of communicating with me (and skeptics) the importance of the Lord’s Prayer. Since the name Pagiel means the prayer of God.
And this was back in 2016 when I had just had an experience with the Lord’s Prayers which was so powerful so transformative that I knew I had to get this prayer out there to the people get people to take another look, to take it down off the shelf and start doing what Jesus instructed. As is .. just as he taught it to the disciples. 
And there was all this resistance. One of the first things I heard was, oh the kingdom of heaven is already here. We don’t need to pray that.
But the main resistance is this idea of, “it’s vain repetition. Don’t pray this prayer!“ Now where do you hear that about any other scripture? Don’t do what it says? He didn’t mean it!
Then a little while later the pope, pope Francis, sets about to change the Lords prayer. So there’s been a lot of resistance.
But the Lord kept giving me stuff. The prayer flag was huge.
Anyway, to me it is huge.. It just confirms in a big way what I’ve been saying all along. About the Lords prayer, because the Lord showed me. In many different ways.
But people don’t get it. I guess I expect too much. But this should make it even clearer. The Lord is doing the work for me. To reach more people.
So if you’ve got a proponent of something saying well this is a great discovery ... but why should you believe me? Almost no one is just going to take you at your word. So now I have another back up.
For what I’ve been saying for about five years. And people don’t have the slightest interest.
And it deals with music. Which I’ve already set four or five versions of the Lord’s Prayer to music.
Now either I'm making a whole lot out of nothing or the Lord’s Prayer really is Special.
Just to go a little bit further. Because I’ve thought about this a lot. You know there is a tipping point right. If something goes viral for example. Well this has the potential to change mass consciousness. Enough to usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth as stated in the Lords prayer. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
There are two forms of mass consciousness. One is towards evil. The other is towards the kingdom of heaven. Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added to you.
The new musical scales are in tune with the frequency of the universe. They can heal. But when Jesus spoke these words... that was a vibration also a frequency. And since he is eternal everything he says or said is inviolable truth and that frequency still reverberates throughout the universe because he is the word. We know that the Lord uses music and frequency vibrations because of Jehoshaphat and Jericho. And the enemy knows it too. That is why they locked the doors of the church and told people to stop singing. It hurts the demons ears. It cripples them. I mean literally. It is the word of God and they cannot do a thing about it.
All they can do is get us to stop singing and stop saying the lords prayer and they’ve been very successful.
By the way you know all those psalms in the Bible some of them were addressed to the chief musician.
To me music is just another way of communicating with God. And each other. But if you’re singing the Lord’s Prayer His word, his vibrations it redirects your attention so it is useful. I came up with the term, the Lord’s Prayer Cleanse from all of that programmed brainwashed CNN nonsense and garbage, all of that toxic input in and of the world.
Listen. That’s what we do when we pray the Lord‘s prayer. Because we don’t have to engage that much of our brain. It silences the brain noise. Which you know there’s plenty of it. And with the programming that has been going on since March of last year with the shut down and all that crap designed to take away our freedom to lock us into the program through CNN and all the rest of it, the notices all over the place, the negativity. The fear. To the point they are controlling us like never before in history. And they put their stamp on our face. They muzzle us they tell us to stop singing and stop going to church just go get a bottle of booze and we’ll put you out of business and give you a check. And we listen to them! We stop listening to our father in heaven.
The Lords Prayer crystallizes the essences of everything, I mean everything that we are in God. Or supposed to be. It is the standard — and he said he will raise up a standard. it is visible, it is a physical manifestation if it is a poster or a yard sign in your yard or on your wall. It tells people who you are what you are about and who God is – – our father in heaven, Not the father of lies, the good shepherd not the hireling who fleeces the flock. That’s what they want us to be. Hirelings. Or subject to their hirelings. If we are good little obedient sheep they will reward us. If not they will punish us.
I’ve gotten over my fear of retaliation, thought this thing through and feel comfortable reporting what I have found. I’m not done with the research. I know there will be resistance, I’ve read all about it already. The naysayers. You’re always going to have the naysayers. “Believe the science“, falsely so called science. Big Pharma (from the Latin for occult) w a dash of the occult dna recipe in your body. Cell lines from aborted babies in your veins. This is on their websites. Vaccines contain human DNA from abortions. They even know and say which babies they harvested for their vaccine. The University of Nebraska website went over it already. One baby was harvested in Norway they say .. no big deal.
The good news is, there is even one frequency being used that repairs DNA.
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Monday, February 22, 2021
Thursday, February 18, 2021
BEAUTIFUL STORIES with lyrics from 1997
big pharma big tech. big fact check, big money...Bill Gates. CNN, big media....Mercola defeated Monsanto....
don't miss this's the next step .... exposing the lies and the deception...originating from the father of an all out war against humanity. You'll want to share this one...
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Masked locked down and yet still totally unprepared.
Our shepherds beat the the already submissive sheep into further submission, a symptom of their sadistic nature.
They get off on punishment and abuse. Their master requires it. In order for them to continue the unique lavish indulgences and pleasures of their elite lifestyle and position and kind, they must exact, in direct proportion, further disproportionate humbling of the already humbled to assuage their guilt and their master.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Two Reasons
There were two reasons I put the Lord’s Prayer out there, which covers the fundamental truths of our faith. There is no other scripture like this. They talk about a person being Anointed. This prayer is anointed.
Anyway there were two reasons. One was so that we could avoid the evil that I’ve seen for many years. Coalescing and convening and performing the ultimate take down.
The other reason was in case the takedown actually happened. The liars the cheats all children of the father of lies taking their place in his kingdom of lies.
That the Lord would still be with us in the darkness and through the darkness.
I learned that “when people don’t see the evil they have no reason to pray.”
I learned that we have to see the evil to motivate us to seek out the will of our father in heaven for us.
And to really know what the Lord’s Prayer entails for us and means to us.
To counter this evil. These are not my words. Or any other human being on earth.
So that on all fronts we have our father by our side with us in us directing us through this.
So that even with darkness all around us within us will be the light of God still with us to direct our paths. The Shekinah Glory.
And this has always been and is our only hope. But it is a hope that will never fail. And will be with us to the end.
It is all in and through the Lord’s Prayer in spades. You can find it in other words of scripture. But in the Our Father it is all through it and it sets up for us the perfect relationship of God and man. In the first two words our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Forever. Thy will be done.. and it will be done. To establish the kingdom of heaven on earth as it is in heaven. This is what we’re all about. This kingdom of heaven. And it’s coming.
To give us all that we need daily.
Our daily bread.
To give us forgiveness. To enable us to forgive others.
As Jesus did.
“Forgive them father for they know not what they do.”
And lead us not into temptation...the temptation of taking the vaccine for example.
But deliver us from evil.
#TLP777, #ThyKingdomCome, #DeliverUSfromEvil #Pagiel777
There were two reasons I put the Lord’s Prayer out there, which covers the fundamental truths of our faith. There is no other scripture like this. They talk about a person being Anointed. This prayer is anointed.
Anyway there were two reasons. One was so that we could avoid the evil that I’ve seen for many years. Coalescing and convening and performing the ultimate take down.
The other reason was in case the takedown actually happened. The liars the cheats all children of the father of lies taking their place in his kingdom of lies.
That the Lord would still be with us in the darkness and through the darkness.
I learned that “when people don’t see the evil they have no reason to pray.”
I learned that we have to see the evil to motivate us to seek out the will of our father in heaven for us.
And to really know what the Lord’s Prayer entails for us and means to us.
To counter this evil. These are not my words. Or any other human being on earth.
So that on all fronts we have our father by our side with us in us directing us through this.
So there even with darkness all around us but within us will be the light of God still with us to direct our paths. The Shekinah Glory.
And this has always been and is our only hope. But it is a hope that will never fail. And will be with us to the end.
It is all in and through the Lord’s Prayer in spades. You can find it in other words of scripture. But in the Our Father it is all through it and it sets up for us the perfect relationship of God and man. In the first two words our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Forever. Thy will be done.. and it will be done. To establish the kingdom of heaven on earth as it is in heaven. This is what we’re all about. This kingdom of heaven. And it’s coming.
To give us all that we need daily.
Our daily bread.
To give us forgiveness. To enable us to forgive others.
As Jesus did.
“Forgive them father for they know not what they do.”
And lead us not into temptation...the temptation of taking the vaccine for example.
But deliver us from evil.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
In the US this is our Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer. Not of human origin or invention...
This is for lazy people...
Morally lazy and morally bankrupt. I could go easy on you and say it's not your fault you've been pummeled. With 24/7 lies propaganda garbage everything but the kitchen sink they've been implanting in your brain through CNN for about four years now.
Do you think you know? You don't know shit.
Now you cannot cannot tell me I'm wrong. Your brain is full of shit from CNN. And some of you are even repeating it Word for Word.
Trump this Trump that. Therefore we're taking over we're taking over "we made fucking sure of that."
If you think things are going to go along as they have and therefore you don't have to think about it? After this level of criminality? Stealing it in broad daylight or in the middle of the night.
They have made that impossible. Life as we knew it will never return.
You don't have to discern what's happening with God's help? That this is spiritual warfare? "We war not against flesh and blood". To ask him, what can I do? What can I do? Key word is DO. Doing nothing is not an option.
This is a war between the father of lies and "the way the truth and the life".
It's crunch time.
It's coming to a head in 24 hours. If they steal this election through fraudulent voting lies and criminality and that's OK with you then you're going to have to be OK with the outcome.
With the one these criminals will continue to enact ... I.e. further loss of freedom, civil liberties and all those things guaranteed by our father in heaven that he wants for us in his kingdom of heaven on earth.
If you're not praying about this with the Lord's prayer and everything in it including deliver us from evil, with everything you have in your soul in your spirit
trusting in God then if it goes south I mean 100% evil and people suffer and you suffer and I suffer and your family suffers you may ask yourself why didn't I listen to Bro Paige. He wasn't offering his solution he was offering God's solution. For the past three years. Action. Too late.
And where do we go from here with these new control mechanisms in place...
They will have to build new prisons for us.
So just go on your merry way! You've got about 24 hours before you wake up to the greatest deception in human history and it's path cleared. Right across everything we hold dear. At that point they won't even care. They won't have to. Sorry about your luck. You chose God but you didn't follow through. You chose to sit on your lazy butt, you didn't get out your mental calculator you didn't do the math and really, though you say you did, did you put it all in God's hands? Did you even see a reason to do that? I've told you about the reason. You've heard it all your Christian life actually. Faith in action. Requires action. And I include myself. God help us.
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