Saturday, December 10, 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Friday, November 4, 2022

Monday, October 31, 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Monday, September 12, 2022

Nashville Rain with lyrics and photos by T. Paige

T. Paige Write-in Candidate. W.Va. Connect The Dots These are unprecedented times for our nation and the world. No one seems to have a handle on the solution. They keep going back to the same policies which include Neville Chamberlain appeasement. You cannot appease evil. At some point you will have to stand against evil. We are at that point. There are not enough Politicians who are willing to do that if they even recognize that this is the proper course of action. Look at Stephen Baldwin. What I see is an empty shell. A model from a time from days gone by which is not enough for today. We can’t just have nice guys, nice looking family nice this nice that . Who get nothing done! Except repeat the official version of why the people cannot have this and the people cannot do this or do that. It’s always going to be blocked by the power brokers because they want more for themselves and nothing for us. They want our children. We must all be on board with everything they say. We do not have a right to disagree. If we do disagree we are terrible people. We are deplorables. We are on the enemies list. We are extremists! We barely have a right to our own opinion. However if you have an outlandish plan and opinion or a plan which is alien to our values and in direct contradiction to the law of God as written in the Old Testament you will be promoted. You will find money to continue this onslaught against American values. Which have all but been forgotten. There are those who want to destroy our foundations our values our traditions our culture and our heritage, all of it wherever they find it. Whether it be in church or the schools or government or society in general. So this “philanthropist“ over here gives money to the school as long as they promote the script. Which is anti-God, anti-American, anti-Christian. And to tell the truth also anti-white male. And your are serene and acquiescent. They are: Anti-father Anti-parents anti-mother. Anti-freedom of speech anti-Constitution anti-rule of law. It is a fact if you can get your head around it — they are anti-everything. It is a psychological disorder. And they have been recruited to the Democratic Party. And if you are just as outlandish and outspoken and contrary as a person can be you are assured of success. Do not think for a minute that big money is not behind this and ready and waiting for you. Criminality is behind this. Corruption is behind this. Evil is behind this. Deliver us from evil. Do not think for a minute that what you are seeing is not the ugly face of spiritual warfare. And you are accepting and silent. Like sheep to the slaughter. But now is the time when we need to no longer be silent. If it’s only acknowledging God online , he will direct thy paths. For they have said “by any means necessary”. Meaning they have complete freedom and have the resources i.e. money to declare war against you and your children. And they will be supported financially. To bring their garbage to our schools and drop it off and the children will have to pass through this garbage several times a day. They may encounter it in the hallways. On the playground. This garbage these lies. This promotion of evil, half-truths, justice for the few, the chosen —freedom for them and none for us, so that they are free to take liberties with our own children. In the classroom! Corrupting and indoctrinating kids as young as three years old. In this way they steal our most precious resource. Not just money not just our freedom not just justice for all but our children. Our future. Many people are afraid to take a good hard look at what’s going on, they don’t want the hassle they don’t want the interruption they’re too busy to apply common sense, to connect the dots to even listen to their conscience or those who have thought about this and know it’s wrong (I know it’s wrong)! and are trying to take the necessary steps to eradicate this in the schools. Before it can bring about havoc and distress in the schools and on our children. Stunning that a certain class of Child has been targeted and may be harassed and shunned, bullied and insulted by the teacher and by the students — they will be called names and they will be scarred for life. While the other kids become more and more bullying at the teachers behest while the teacher looks on or looks the other way giving their tacit approval. Because this is in her political party’s platform. Amounting to “ Any means necessary to wipe out dissent ie Democracy and the constitution. This is insidious. If you mention God in this class, or the Bible, you will be told “this is offensive”. But these people are nothing if not offensive. And hell-bent on running the show according to the corrupt criminal unconstitutional neo -Democrat’s playbook. But we have HIS playbook. Our father who is in heaven has a playbook. It is “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. How do we get there? We treat others with respect — all others. We don’t demand reparations or vengeance or intolerance for differing opinions differing playbooks. I heard Amy Goodwin say in a campaign announcement that we need to be “called out and shouted down” if we don’t go along with her nonsense. If we are not Compliant. If we have a conscience. Down the road I see fines and jail time. She already boycotted (and was applauded with, “you go girl”.) For boycotting the WV Book FESTIVAL??!! Some liberal! She is now the mayor of Charleston. This is wrong. And you know where it’s coming from. You know where the money is coming from. And you know why she’s promoting this. Over the welfare and concerns of the voters. Moms and Dads and the kids. At the heart of this is selfishness and greed. Do you think that Amy Goodwin is not getting rewarded? Just go with the program Amy, and you’ll be rewarded. And she is applauded encouraged treated as the darling of politics. By the gullible non-discerning acolyte. But what’s behind it all? Certainly not concern for the real people. In West Virginia, real West Virginians. Parents. Children. They have become targets. They have to shut up and listen or the authorities will be called in on them. In the middle of a school board meeting! Unbelievably this is happening today in our country. If you speak out against these types of criminals who have lost their moral compass their social conscience Who have not the first inkling that in our system all these things that are not allowed now, have been allowed and embraced, welcomed, in the past for the entire history of our country. And now who are they to dictate? And we are forced to accept, to obey their word as the word of God? When in fact  they absolutely have to go against God and the Scriptures and the constitution to maintain their corrupt illicit perverted plans for our children. To corrupt our children by any means necessary, child be damned. To steal them away to steal their hearts to steal their minds. The minds of young innocent children is now being filled with garbage. Toxic waste. The goal. They want you to remain silent. Or else. In fact they will order order to do so. If not you will be thrown out of a public meeting where you have a right to be and to speak. But you will not be allowed to speak the truth. This is what we are up against. It’s a critical time in our nation’s history. We are being called upon — this generation, to act. In accordance with God’s law not man’s corrupt party platform. Man’s law is tyranny. A political party machine’s law. Not God’s law. The says scripture says, “seek you first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added to you. Scripture says: “acknowledge God and he will direct your paths”. Our paths. Your child’s path. Do not listen to these puppets these paid off minions of George Soros and the like. Of the billionaires in the mainstream media and the think tanks and the foundations and even the charities, and some churches which have been devoted to safety first. Before the Lord. And synagogues that embrace the concepts of ideologies. They all have their hand out. They have been corrupted too comfortable and compromised.  T Paige


T. Paige Write-in Candidate. W.Va. Connect The Dots These are unprecedented times for our nation and the world. No one seems to have a handle on the solution. They keep going back to the same policies which include Neville Chamberlain appeasement. You cannot appease evil. At some point you will have to stand against evil. We are at that point. There are not enough Politicians who are willing to do that if they even recognize that this is the proper course of action. Look at Stephen Baldwin. What I see is an empty shell. A model from a time from days gone by which is not enough for today. We can’t just have nice guys, nice looking family nice this nice that . Who get nothing done! Except repeat the official version of why the people cannot have this and the people cannot do this or do that. It’s always going to be blocked by the power brokers because they want more for themselves and nothing for us. They want our children. We must all be on board with everything they say. We do not have a right to disagree. If we do disagree we are terrible people. We are deplorables. We are on the enemies list. We are extremists! We barely have a right to our own opinion. However if you have an outlandish plan and opinion or a plan which is alien to our values and in direct contradiction to the law of God as written in the Old Testament you will be promoted. You will find money to continue this onslaught against American values. Which have all but been forgotten. There are those who want to destroy our foundations our values our traditions our culture and our heritage, all of it wherever they find it. Whether it be in church or the schools or government or society in general. So this “philanthropist“ over here gives money to the school as long as they promote the script. Which is anti-God, anti-American, anti-Christian. And to tell the truth also anti-white male. And your are serene and acquiescent. They are: Anti-father Anti-parents anti-mother. Anti-freedom of speech anti-Constitution anti-rule of law. It is a fact if you can get your head around it — they are anti-everything. It is a psychological disorder. And they have been recruited to the Democratic Party. And if you are just as outlandish and outspoken and contrary as a person can be you are assured of success. Do not think for a minute that big money is not behind this and ready and waiting for you. Criminality is behind this. Corruption is behind this. Evil is behind this. Deliver us from evil. Do not think for a minute that what you are seeing is not the ugly face of spiritual warfare. And you are accepting and silent. Like sheep to the slaughter. But now is the time when we need to no longer be silent. If it’s only acknowledging God online , he will direct thy paths. For they have said “by any means necessary”. Meaning they have complete freedom and have the resources i.e. money to declare war against you and your children. And they will be supported financially. To bring their garbage to our schools and drop it off and the children will have to pass through this garbage several times a day. They may encounter it in the hallways. On the playground. This garbage these lies. This promotion of evil, half-truths, justice for the few, the chosen —freedom for them and none for us, so that they are free to take liberties with our own children. In the classroom! Corrupting and indoctrinating kids as young as three years old. In this way they steal our most precious resource. Not just money not just our freedom not just justice for all but our children. Our future. Many people are afraid to take a good hard look at what’s going on, they don’t want the hassle they don’t want the interruption they’re too busy to apply common sense, to connect the dots to even listen to their conscience or those who have thought about this and know it’s wrong (I know it’s wrong)! and are trying to take the necessary steps to eradicate this in the schools. Before it can bring about havoc and distress in the schools and on our children. Stunning that a certain class of Child has been targeted and may be harassed and shunned, bullied and insulted by the teacher and by the students — they will be called names and they will be scarred for life. While the other kids become more and more bullying at the teachers behest while the teacher looks on or looks the other way giving their tacit approval. Because this is in her political party’s platform. Amounting to “ Any means necessary to wipe out dissent ie Democracy and the constitution. This is insidious. If you mention God in this class, or the Bible, you will be told “this is offensive”. But these people are nothing if not offensive. And hell-bent on running the show according to the corrupt criminal unconstitutional neo -Democrat’s playbook. But we have HIS playbook. Our father who is in heaven has a playbook. It is “Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. How do we get there? We treat others with respect — all others. We don’t demand reparations or vengeance or intolerance for differing opinions differing playbooks. I heard Amy Goodwin say in a campaign announcement that we need to be “called out and shouted down” if we don’t go along with her nonsense. If we are not Compliant. If we have a conscience. Down the road I see fines and jail time. She already boycotted (and was applauded with, “you go girl”.) For boycotting the WV Book FESTIVAL??!! Some liberal! She is now the mayor of Charleston. This is wrong. And you know where it’s coming from. You know where the money is coming from. And you know why she’s promoting this. Over the welfare and concerns of the voters. Moms and Dads and the kids. At the heart of this is selfishness and greed. Do you think that Amy Goodwin is not getting rewarded? Just go with the program Amy, and you’ll be rewarded. And she is applauded encouraged treated as the darling of politics. By the gullible non-discerning acolyte. But what’s behind it all? Certainly not concern for the real people. In West Virginia, real West Virginians. Parents. Children. They have become targets. They have to shut up and listen or the authorities will be called in on them. In the middle of a school board meeting! Unbelievably this is happening today in our country. If you speak out against these types of criminals who have lost their moral compass their social conscience Who have not the first inkling that in our system all these things that are not allowed now, have been allowed and embraced, welcomed, in the past for the entire history of our country. And now who are they to dictate? And we are forced to accept, to obey their word as the word of God? When in fact  they absolutely have to go against God and the Scriptures and the constitution to maintain their corrupt illicit perverted plans for our children. To corrupt our children by any means necessary, child be damned. To steal them away to steal their hearts to steal their minds. The minds of young innocent children is now being filled with garbage. Toxic waste. The goal. They want you to remain silent. Or else. In fact they will order order to do so. If not you will be thrown out of a public meeting where you have a right to be and to speak. But you will not be allowed to speak the truth. This is what we are up against. It’s a critical time in our nation’s history. We are being called upon — this generation, to act. In accordance with God’s law not man’s corrupt party platform. Man’s law is tyranny. A political party machine’s law. Not God’s law. The says scripture says, “seek you first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added to you. Scripture says: “acknowledge God and he will direct your paths”. Our paths. Your child’s path. Do not listen to these puppets these paid off minions of George Soros and the like. Of the billionaires in the mainstream media and the think tanks and the foundations and even the charities, and some churches which have been devoted to safety first. Before the Lord. And synagogues that embrace the concepts of ideologies. They all have their hand out. They have been corrupted too comfortable and compromised. T Paige

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Friday, June 17, 2022

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Monday, April 11, 2022

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Friday, March 25, 2022

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Friday, March 4, 2022

Monday, February 21, 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Friday, January 28, 2022