This is for lazy people...
Morally lazy and morally bankrupt. I could go easy on you and say it's not your fault you've been pummeled. With 24/7 lies propaganda garbage everything but the kitchen sink they've been implanting in your brain through CNN for about four years now.
Do you think you know? You don't know shit.
Now you cannot cannot tell me I'm wrong. Your brain is full of shit from CNN. And some of you are even repeating it Word for Word.
Trump this Trump that. Therefore we're taking over we're taking over "we made fucking sure of that."
If you think things are going to go along as they have and therefore you don't have to think about it? After this level of criminality? Stealing it in broad daylight or in the middle of the night.
They have made that impossible. Life as we knew it will never return.
You don't have to discern what's happening with God's help? That this is spiritual warfare? "We war not against flesh and blood". To ask him, what can I do? What can I do? Key word is DO. Doing nothing is not an option.
This is a war between the father of lies and "the way the truth and the life".
It's crunch time.
It's coming to a head in 24 hours. If they steal this election through fraudulent voting lies and criminality and that's OK with you then you're going to have to be OK with the outcome.
With the one these criminals will continue to enact ... I.e. further loss of freedom, civil liberties and all those things guaranteed by our father in heaven that he wants for us in his kingdom of heaven on earth.
If you're not praying about this with the Lord's prayer and everything in it including deliver us from evil, with everything you have in your soul in your spirit
trusting in God then if it goes south I mean 100% evil and people suffer and you suffer and I suffer and your family suffers you may ask yourself why didn't I listen to Bro Paige. He wasn't offering his solution he was offering God's solution. For the past three years. Action. Too late.
And where do we go from here with these new control mechanisms in place...
They will have to build new prisons for us.
So just go on your merry way! You've got about 24 hours before you wake up to the greatest deception in human history and it's path cleared. Right across everything we hold dear. At that point they won't even care. They won't have to. Sorry about your luck. You chose God but you didn't follow through. You chose to sit on your lazy butt, you didn't get out your mental calculator you didn't do the math and really, though you say you did, did you put it all in God's hands? Did you even see a reason to do that? I've told you about the reason. You've heard it all your Christian life actually. Faith in action. Requires action. And I include myself. God help us.
Right on, Paige! I wanted to go to D.C., but I don't want to leave my comfort zone! Praying The Lord's Prayer in earnest!!
Yes, TY Jo. I just heard Steve Bannon say and I think I said it in this post. All hell is going to break loose. Everything out the window. It’s on. Crunch time! I just left a message for Joe Manchin senator from West Virginia. Anti-Trump ...I said it’s not about Trump. It’s a national security issue! If we allow this to happen from here on out we will have given our enemies carte blanche. Instead of going to DC I’m going to go look at guns. I’ve never owned a gun except a BB gun. I didn’t realize how expensive they are. Anybody want to donate a gun? We know they have their guns. We know arms shipments are arriving every day.
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