To give coal's top henchman, Don Blankenship a forum for his self deluded views and come off as some kind of reasonable mild mannered clark kent has to be a low point and ironic beyond belief. Finally the national media are asking questions like 'what the hell are they doing to the environment', these mild mannered reasonable businessmen. And yet We are not. Still.
It's a low point in human history. Even the amazon will grow back....nothing will ever grow here again period. Until the end of history. We can thank mild mannered cool, calculating, deluded, people everywhere for that.
Examine the disparity, if you will, between what Clark Kent says and how he acts and what he does. If, every time he speaks, you picture in your mind the devastation he hand his cronies have wreaked upon us, you get the picture. One areial photo of miles and miles of devastated mountains is worth a thousand words of propaganda...
Unfortunately I didn't hear the whole thing...or fortuantely. I did hear Don Blankenship complain about socialist tendencies in government and then 2 minutes later assert that coal to liquids needed govt assistance so that these huge corporate interests could be guaranteed a profit. That's true both sides of the mouth speak capitalism. I guess it's okay for the big boys and the rich boys if they are the ones that get the benefits of socialism....but not if people in need, average citizens get it...outrageous to the point of obscenity.
I wish someone would guarantee me a profit at my songwriting.
Hell, I might become a better businessman. Hell, I might even become a prophet...
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